Secondly, I turned a year older (but by my books, I tell people I'm a few years younger than I am, so no one really knows the truth at all). So this year's birthday theme was Viking - keeping in the Scandanavian Metal side of things. It was tonnes of fun and my darling friends seemed to all get into it. We had viking bounty to steal from each other, massive battles, loud Viking rock, horns and fire!

OK, also this last weekend was Easterfest.. Now, for those of you unwisened in the ways of Australian Music Festivals, this is the massive Christian Music Fest. And it ROCKED!! We were soo cold and it rained the place to a muddy slippery-slide of chaos, but it was great.

(The Big Top under a thin blanket of soft fog on Sunday night)
Highlights for me were all my friends: Father Abraham (for lovers of Hardcore)singing Our God Is An Awesome God The Smart are always good fun for lovers of electro/pop/rock Fatis Valour are consistantly awesome, but my highlight was Jarryd stuffing up the verses for one song - which just made the crowd cheer louder! and Ellington's confetti canons - 3mins 40 approx
ALSO; my friends at Free Spirit have put me in charge of a new myspace for them: so if you aren't a "friend" yet, please add me/them :)
I think that brings us up to date roughly on the fun stuff I've been up to.
Peace out xox
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