Sunday, August 16, 2009

Stone Parade - Chase The Setting Sun

From the opening bars of the album kick-starter, My Generation, you can just imagine someone launching themselves into the air with their guitar in the studio.

Stone Parade are a Sydney-based, 5 piece rock ensemble that will delight, entertain, enthrall, and convict through powerful, thought-provoking lyrics and imagery, and a strong, melody-driven force of pure Aussie rock. The sound is pop enough to tackle the charts and Video Hits, while being rock enough to remain non-conformist. They are an enticing mix of prettiness and grunge for the ears, and a must-see for performance value.

This is the boys debut album. It is a challenging, beautiful, pounding rollercoaster ride to listen to and the very album you’ve been looking forward to having on repeat in the car. With lyrics profound and melodies catchy enough to get stuck in your head for days on end, be warned that this is very contagious for a good old-fashioned sing-a-long. I can only imagine what kind of album could proceed this.

Chase the Setting Sun blasts off with first single, “My Generation” and keeps the rock pace going into Faith And Love before giving you a breather and soaring into the moving second single, “Somebody Will Miss You”.

Vocally, the lyrics are performed with a driving force of emotion and are highly-charged with strength, angst, and a rich use of building the song up to reach a solid crescendo.

Musically, the use of strings and piano on selected tracks intertwine seamlessly with the beautiful crafting of the rock guitars and solid beats.

This album will have you enchanted from start to “Gloria”-ous finish. The journey takes you through gruff rock, to soft ballads, to power anthems, and then through to one heck of an epic rock-ballad as the Chase for The Setting Sun draws this chapter to a close.

I highly recommend getting into Stone Parade if you haven’t already done so, pick up a copy of the album, learn the words and catch them live. These guys are a band to watch; trust me, you don’t want to get left behind.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

The 69 Eyes live video footage, shot by me

Here's a video I took from the recent 69 Eyes gig in Brisbane, Australia.. Gothic Girl

Thursday, July 2, 2009

The 69 Eyes, June 19th 2009, Brisbane Australia

To see Jyrki 69 perform live, one could be forgiven for not being able to decide if what they were witnessing was more Bowie or more Alice Cooper; I’d probably say more like the lovechild of Elvira and Duran Duran but it’s a hard call.

The thing that’s easiest to notice with this band is that they are pretty damn good. Somewhere lost on the road between Guns N Roses and The Cure; The 69 Eyes seem to be the embodiment of “Goth N Roll”, a term penned with these guys in mind.

With the entrance of drummer, Jussi 69 strutting onto stage and wrangling the crowd into a manic exhuberance, it was all hardcore, gloomy, leather-clad deliciousness from then on. With a setlist of some of the hottest tracks spanning the group’s 20 odd year career there was not a moment of downtime for the crowd to catch their breath as hit after hit was thrust out with as much enthusiasm as vocalist Jyrki’s pelvis.

With the crew of “Helsinki Vampires” to back him up, Jyrki channelled the stage presence and charisma of Elvis with more than a hint of the rock legend’s quintessential snarl. The band were tight and on form showing how rock is supposed to be done and hopefully teaching a few of the youngsters a couple of tips along the way.

Crowd favourites: “Gothic Girl”, “Perfect Skin”, “Feel Berlin”, and tribute to the late actor “Brandon Lee” all rocked hard. I had to tip my hat to the lads; it’s not an easy thing to animate a venue full of goths and emos, but it was done with seemingly little effort.

I have to point out, as a photographer, these guys are such a delight to capture on film. Guitarist Timo-Timo is a natural born poser who didn’t put a foot wrong and seemed to be in constant awarness of my camera (and loved it!), and of course Jyrki 69 always had a pout or dirrty snarl ready at hand, not to mention the arsenal of leather and chains that never go awry on the old digicam!

So, for this particular show being only the 2nd gig for the band in Australia ever, and judging by the reaction of its audience; I think The 69 Eyes are well on their way to absolute world domination.

-Suzi Pike

Thursday, April 23, 2009

I always seem to post videos!

This is a rough vid I found on You Tube but it's my lovely friends from Fatis Valour playing my favouritest song of theirs and I wanted to share it with you so you can listen before the album comes out :)

When I can film a version live myself I'll repost it instead, so forgive the dodginess... I may be able to have one for u as soon as this weekend as the lads are playing at The Princess Theatre on Saturday... if you are a Brissy local you should go check them out, and save a big wolf-whistle for opening act Andy Taylor!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

ahhhh excuse me

how did I not know Tarja Turunen had a cutie brother with a killer voice?!!!

OK, I've been a bit quiet on here of late... so allow me if you will to fill u in on what the heck I've been doing the last month! Firstly, I have been approached by a Polish website dedicated to Finnish music to translate my Lovex interview into Polish! Yippeee, I've gone GLOBAL!! I'll post the link when it's all been done :)

Secondly, I turned a year older (but by my books, I tell people I'm a few years younger than I am, so no one really knows the truth at all). So this year's birthday theme was Viking - keeping in the Scandanavian Metal side of things. It was tonnes of fun and my darling friends seemed to all get into it. We had viking bounty to steal from each other, massive battles, loud Viking rock, horns and fire!

OK, also this last weekend was Easterfest.. Now, for those of you unwisened in the ways of Australian Music Festivals, this is the massive Christian Music Fest. And it ROCKED!! We were soo cold and it rained the place to a muddy slippery-slide of chaos, but it was great.

(The Big Top under a thin blanket of soft fog on Sunday night)

Highlights for me were all my friends: Father Abraham (for lovers of Hardcore)singing Our God Is An Awesome God The Smart are always good fun for lovers of electro/pop/rock Fatis Valour are consistantly awesome, but my highlight was Jarryd stuffing up the verses for one song - which just made the crowd cheer louder! and Ellington's confetti canons - 3mins 40 approx

ALSO; my friends at Free Spirit have put me in charge of a new myspace for them: so if you aren't a "friend" yet, please add me/them :)

I think that brings us up to date roughly on the fun stuff I've been up to.

Peace out xox

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Ministry at a Porn Show

Brisbane Sexpo 2009: A Suzi Account

I’m quite a prude myself, so walking into Sexpo with my head held high was something no short of a personal challenge. Obviously I’ve never been to an event quite like this and wasn’t entirely sure what to expect when I strolled through the aisles trying to find the XXX Church stall.

What I did find, which did surprise me a little, was the ability to forget where I was at times. I felt relieved that our stall was set up opposite the Hair Extension crew and not something slightly more....fitting...for the occassion. After an hour or so, it was easy to think one was just hanging out at Showbag Central in Sideshow Alley – until you took a closer inspection of the “showbags” and rediscovered precisely where you were.

I found the people in Sexpo to be quite open to Jesus loving Porn Stars and we turned into a bit of a novelty ourselves. The sign was a massive hit with plenty of punters looking to pose ala “Japanese Tourist” infront of it. (Let’s face it, even the crew working the stall were caught out with the peace sign across their fingers every now and then when the opportunity arose).

Some people would scoff at us and walk past shaking their heads, but I found most people were really good about it. Every so often a group of people would come squeeling around the bend flailing their arms around in excitement; “Oh my gosh! We heard about you guys in the paper and we’ve been looking EVERYWHERE for you!” Those guys would always stick around for a chat. Then there was Graham, who we made friends with on Friday. He took 5 bibles, one for himself and more for his mates. He spent the whole day there but came in every few hours to say Hi and keep us updated on what else was going on. By the days end, he came to say he was going and how he’d enjoyed hanging out with us, and he wanted to show us the portrait of himself he’d had painted by “Picasso”.

“Picasso” is a gentleman who paints portraits not using a brush or his hands... After seeing Graham’s portrait I couldn’t believe the talent of this guy! If he can paint like THAT using his appendage... imagine what he could do with a paintbrush! Such talent – it’s crazy! But my hat went off to him for novelty!

I loved talking to people about why we were there. The shock on their faces would melt into sincere appreciation and they’d leave telling us what an amazing job we were doing. Some people didn’t really want to talk about the bibles or Jesus, but I’d try make friends with them and just chat to them about whatever. It was good, they’d leave smiling, and wave each time they walked past, and of course, they had their bible in their hands and our stickers all over their clothes. It was great.

The best thing I took away from this experience was the feeling of being re-energised. After my first shift I felt an overwhelming sensation of inspiration and a fire rekindled inside of me. I loved being a part of something like this. It was an amazing opportunity to shine God’s light in a pretty dark world and it just shows His love for those people by the favour we were shown. Even in the muck, a seed can be planted, and that is awesome.

check out for more details if you are intregued.

Here's me and some of the crew with the bibles we were handing out :)

Saturday, February 21, 2009

So I'm on Youtube today right - checking out old Peter Andre clips or whatever (I'm kidding, folks!)... and since I am a member of Youtube it automates clips it thinks I'd be interested in. I rarely bother with them, since I'm not a computer and generally have a fair idea of what I want to watch, but today something caught my eye. It said "Unusual duet" between Ms Nightwish, Anette Olzon, and the one-man powerhouse band PAIN. (One-man except when performing live, obviously). The picture for the link was interesting enough for me to go OK, I'll check you out. Now, I am a massive fan of Anette and have been since her arrival with with the Nightwish lads - and I got to make her aquaintence last year during the Australia leg of the Dark Passion Play tour, so I like to follow her side projects. Expecting something of quite decent quality, may I say in all earnestness that this song BLEW MY MIND!! One of those gems that you rarely stumble across, I pass it on to you :) I give you; PAIN feat. Anette Olzon. Follow Me... let me know what you think! xox

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Free Spirit

OK, so if you haven't met my friends Free Spirit - you NEED to do so... immediately!

Go on... off you go to

then come back here and give me more attention :)

Now I am particularly excited because as of a week ago, Free Spirit have an AMAZING album out on the market. Pale Sister Of Light is a marvellous (yes, I did just use that outdated word, I'm bringing it back into fashion) piece of work!

I already have my copy, hurry up and get yours! PS, everyone I know will be getting this CD for all birthdays, anniversaries etc this year!

Stay tuned for my "official" review... until then, enjoy one of my favourite tracks, Heroes Don't Cry...

Ladies and Gentlemen... I give you Free Spirit

Teräsbetoni interview by Yours Truly

Teräsbetoni are a band who need little introduction. If you are someone who has yet to have the pleasure of making an aquaintenship with the Finnish warrior-quartet; they are a band of strong, solid rock anthems, an overlying Brotherhood Of Metal theme, ferocious vocals and an indescribable example of how hard-rock music is meant to sound.I was blessed to have the opportunity of interviewing vocalist/bass extraordinaire J. Ahola, backing vocalist/guitar hero A. Järvinen, and guitarist/man- who- came- up- with- the- band- name V. Rantanen.
After reading the outcome of that interview, you (as I did) will also discover that not only is this a band who are passionate about their music, but they are a bunch of genuine down-to-earth, funny, easygoing guys.

Suzi: How are you?
Ahola: Thanks for asking, we're just fine. We had a great year with Eurovision, summer festivals and stuff.

J. Ahola and J. Kuokkanen had a history together from the band Critical Mass, and met A. Järvinen and V. Rantanen in 2002. How did you actually all meet initially?
Ahola: Actually I was in a band called Critical Mess (a little joke there!) and Kuokkanen wasn't in the band but one the guys introduced me to Kuokkanen. That's how I met Kuokkanen and we played few cover gigs together in a different group. Then the rest of us guys met accidentally in an polytechnic of digital sound and commercial music. After few beers and a good talk, we knew what to do: Finland needed a band that would play real and truthful metal music sung in Finnish. I suggested that Mr. Kuokkanen would be THE MAN for the drums. Everybody said ok and so Teräsbetoni was born. Pretty soon our first demo was out and the rest is history I guess.

Fans of your music from your first homepage in 2003 sent out petitions to record companies demanding a contract for you. How did you feel about such loyalty at such an early stage?
Järvinen: As far as I know, no one in our current record company ever received any petititons. It might be true, but so far I haven't been able to verify it.
Ahola: I remember these guys came to see our gig in Turku and they told us they were collecting names for a petition. Of course only the info about the dedication of our fans made us feel really great. Did they ever send it? No matter, since the athmosphere we created together with our fans was the only thing we needed.

How special are your fans? What do you do to give back?
Järvinen: Our fans are special all right. On occasions we even receive gifts, which aren't always so modest either. We try to keep in contact with them via our forum, guestbook and even personal e-mails, but if you want to see us give back absolutely everything we have, you need to see us on stage.

In 2003 Teräsbetoni performed their first concert together – tell me about it.
Ahola: Well, I am not sure what gig was REALLY our first, but I guess we all feel that a gig in Turku's TVO was spiritually our first. That's where we saw our path was right. A pretty modest place full of topless people screaming louder than the lousy PA could ever do. It was like a dream. People knew the lyrics of the songs, even though the was nothing official out yet. Totally amazing night. I still think it's one the best experiences of my life. It's really hard to tell you about this just should've been there!
Rantanen: Actually the first concert ever took place at Virrat (the venue was called Eetvartti) and it went quite well, but as Ahola said, the Turku gig (our third performance ever) was the first total explosion!

You made a video for your 2nd single from the debut album "Metallitotuus". Orjatar is a great sound – I was interested in the english translation of Slave Woman! My impression is that it’s tongue-in-cheek, but I just want to check!
Ahola: Ah, of course it is. But you should also see it from our music's point of view. You know, we could never do a love song 'cause it would never sound believable. We sing about extreme things and Orjatar fits just fine on that context. And besides, women seem to like that song very much. (suzi: it’s true, I love it. haha)

What was your experience filming the Orjatar video?
Ahola: That was the first video shooting experience we ever had and...well, it was really a day of survival. The video was shot on a seashore in front of a castle. In a daytime the temperature was something like +2 celsius and later in the evening below zero...and that wind blowing from the ocean....Phew! You know, we were standing there topless and totally freezing. It rained a lot during the shooting, but I am afraid they didn't use any of those shots or you just can't see it. Later we we're totally wasted and still the director wanted us to stand in cliff without any safety procedures and act few times through the song. Damn, we felt like we didn't have the strength to stand and yet we had to stand up there doing our stuff. I guess it was Rantanen who called it off and said something pretty nasty to the director. We just had enough of that and besides, they didn't use those shots either. Kuokkanen had to drive through the night to Tampere and I kept him awake by telling stupid jokes or something! I guess we woke up aboout 5 am and got home 5 am next morning. A true test of steel I'd say!

Your first single "Taivas lyö tulta" was chosen to be the goal song for the Finnish Icehockey national team A in the Karelian Tournament. That must have been quite a special feeling! But, what I found the most interesting about this particular song of yours, is that it was used on the K-70 program! Have you heard the Eero Sinikannel version? ( What did you think?
Ahola: Yea, we heard about this, too. It's always great to hear that the song just keeps on living and living it's own life. Cool things both.
Rantanen: Though ice hockey is ok, I still can't wait for The Finnish national football team to enter World Cup or the European championship.. If Taivas lyö tulta was played there, it would be something amazing for me ... as a huge football fan.

J. Ahola; you started your musical endeavours on drums before moving into vocals, song writing and bass as each band required. Do you have an instrument in mind that you’d like to tackle next? Are you one of those irritatingly talented people who can just self-teach in a matter of weeks?
Ahola: I guess this is enough for me. I would love to play guitar well, but I guess that's where my talents end. I can learn pretty quickly the basics of an instrument, but the deeper know-how is something I'm having hard time to reach. Instead of learning an instrument it would be great to know how to write good string arrangements and that kind of stuff. ...And I am irritating for sure (I've heard this many times), but for different reasons, hah.

J. Ahola; you had the opportunity of writing your own songs for the first time in the band Bulldozer, and now you have offered your penmanship to the likes of Ari Koivunen, how did that come about?
Ahola: Yea, the first ones came out with Bulldozer. Those were great days of creation and learning. Ari's A&R who used to work for Warner Music asked me to write a song for Ari's first album. I sent him two songs and Stay True was something they were looking for. Very nice!

You’re all involved in other bands and bits and pieces here and there, I suppose the most well known would be Ahola’s involvement with Nothern Kings and Raskasta Joulua. There is a quote on Wikipedia that says "Band members themselves have said that they are not dead serious about the band’s mentality and are having fun with it". Tell me, is Terasbetoni the side project of it’s members, or the priority band?
Ahola: Well, we've been accused of being idiots, too serious, a joke and whatever. So, many times we've been forced to explain that NO, we don't carry axes and swords when we go buying milk and bread from the grocery store. You know, we love what we're doing and we do it 100%, but of course we can't be dead serious about the things we sing about it. The imagery of our lyrics are fantasy, but of course you can find real and heavy themes from our songs. It seems to be pretty controversial to many people. If we'd sing in English, nobody here would ask those kind of questions, but now that people actually understand what we're saying, things might get confusing.

J. Ahola; I did mention your involvements with Northern Kings and Raskasta Joulua. The 2nd NKs album is out now and the RJ tour is looming nearer. How arethese projects going for you?
Ahola: They are a nice way of doing something else for a while and of course a time of meeting new people of our field. Many great guys I've met after those first shows of Raskasta Joulua! And of course, when you work with different musicians you have to renew your self, 'cause with every person you have to work a little different way.

There is an upcoming event that will star both Terasbetoni and Northern Kings; Ahola, do you look forward to something like this or are you a little concerned about fatigue performing twice on the one night? (by time of print, these upcoming events were in the past)
Ahola: Both of those shows were pretty short, so no, I wasn't concerned about fatique, even though the NK-show was all about high notes for me, which is pretty tiring for sure. The only thing was, that I felt kinda odd performing in two different acts. I didn't feel too comfortable with that.

Last year you entered Eurovision with Missa Miehet Ratsastaa and made another video for the song. This is my favourite video, I think it’s hilarious. Tell me about your experience filming it.
Järvinen: Shooting the video was a bit of a chaos to me. Lack of catering and plenty of waiting didn't please me, but the result is very nice, if you're in the right mood. The first scene in the forest looks fantastic.
Ahola: Yea, same here. Making a music video is all about money and making everything as cheap and as fast as possible. So, it was a three day craziness, but hell, this time we we're actually having fun, too. I think everybody enjoyed doing those hotel scenes.
Rantanen: And for the first time we were dealing with some kind of rock star stuff, hah.

What was Eurovision like from a performers point-of-view. I hold Eurovision parties at my house each year and would love to actually go one year; so tell me how you found the whole experience?
Järvinen: It's a huge production. What you see in the TV isn't at all what the contenders experience. I found the the contenders themselves to be the most intersting part; there's nice and soulful people there, but also some Barbie-dolls who seemed to live in another world. Rantanen: For us as artists it was something totally different. From small and ascetic backstages to face hundreds of reporters. We had also a lot of fun on free time. Sun, beer, great local people etc.

You have this great theme of the "Brotherhood of Metal", warrior characters, even keeping in the spirit of things by dubbing your gigs "battles". Being these vivid characters in leather and fur, more often than not you are all bare-chested. How much pressure is there to keep in shape?
Järvinen: None? We cherish the ideology of being proud of what you are, even if you have three arms or two heads. It's about self-esteem.
Ahola: ...which we don't have and that's why we're musicians, desperately looking for people's acceptance, hah!

In 2005, your album Metallitotuus was awarded the Metal Album of the year in the Emma Awards. Tell me about your acceptence speech. Were there any tears, did you practise in front of a mirror beforehand or did you forget to thank anyone?
Järvinen: There was little time to give any pompous speeches, we thanked the usual people who were involved in the making of the album and our fans who gave their voices to us. One surprise was that we won the Metal-category as we were nominees in the New-Comer and the Song of the Year -catergories as well.

As Metal Warriors, I'm interested to know what your musical guilty- pleasure is. Who is in your cd collection that may surprise your fans?
Järvinen: We try to keep a list of what we listen to at our web site. Not much suprises there, I think.
Ahola: I guess we all have those oddities there. Maybe some Finnish slager or sleazy pop music. Rantanen: Though my cd collection focuses on metal and rock, the genre doesn't matter, when the song is good enough. I have for example cds from Abba, Death and even Prodigy.

During my extensive research for Teräsbetoni on YouTube, I couldn’t help but notice the lack of tattoos for a hard rock band. Why the lack of ink? If you were to get some, what would you get?
Järvinen: I'm ugly beyond reason, no help from ink or surgery for me.
Ahola: Why there should be any tattoos? They mean nothing to me.
Rantanen: If the reason to get one was being in a rock band, I don't understand it. If I someday know what kind of tattoo I would get, I'll have it.

I heard through the grapevine (i.e. Vesa from Free Spirit) that you guys got some great new Marshall Amps that you’re pretty excited about. How are they going?
Järvinen: I'm using the JVM410H amp at the moment and so far I like it a lot. It's a bit noisy, but rock'n roll is!
Ahola: Yea, I got this Marshall's 400 (tube) watt power amp and two cabinets. It sounds great and it's very powerful. Much more into my liking than Ampeg for example.
Rantanen: I don't know anything about the Marshalls these poor guys use, I have something more professional, haha!!

Understandably, Teräsbetoni lyrics are in Finnish and probably wouldn’t keep the right feel if they were translated to being sung in English. Although English songs are easier to sell overseas. What are your plans of world domination, especially regarding the language barrier?
Ahola: I guess we're gonna have start from invading Sweden with fire and steel! No, just kidding. This one is a hard question. There has been some pressure to write songs in english, but we decided not to do that. So, what we need now is a supporter and a distributor for Europe, but because of the language barrier it's not easy. I guess we should find a brave person/organization who/that would be willing to take the chance. Any suggestions?

Your latest album Myrskyntuoja came out this year. How has the response been so far? What can fans expect from this latest offering?
Ahola: People have been telling us it's the best album we've done. We feel good about it. It's powerful and raw. It's very pure metal music with some rock elements there, too. You know, metal is basically all about rock. It's also not too polished - we left some edge there.

I usually like to end my interviews with what I can bribe a band with to perform Eurovision – but you’ve already done it! So I’ll ask what advice you would give to a group considering entering the song contest?
Ahola: I think the best advice is not to expect anything and do the best you can. And if you get a chance to go to the main event, enjoy the trip, 'cause it's one of those once in a life time experiences!


Hello Blogging World - an introduction to ME!

Well hello! How are you going? I hope you are doing great!
Here I am, writing my first "blog" - I have no idea about blogging protocol, so we can learn together ;)
So, if you don't know me personally, I work for Metal From Finland (which may be how you stumbled here), but I am an Australian. Thank goodness for the internet huh?! Without it, I wouldn't be in the position I'm in now, and I wouldn't have had the work opportunities I've had to build a decent portfolio.
Most of my work is up on Metal From Finland - if you want to see some of the interviews I've done already check out the interview sections under Silverfuse, Lordi, Brother Firetribe, Leverage, Free Spirit (I also wrote the bio), White Flame, Lovex.... yeah, I've done a few :) Watch out Sonata Arctica and Nightwish! ;)
One day, I'll actually get to conduct a face-to-face interview when I go for a holiday or a "working trip" to the way too distant Finnish-land! haha. Until then, email it is - grr. I'm currently patiently awaiting the announcement of Apocalyptica to tour Australia so I can nab them for an interview and photo session.. Calm down, I'm only even speculating they'll even tour here! One can dream...
Seriously though - can the Finns start touring the land Down Under a bit more?! I'm feeling very left-out down here :(
hahahahaha (thank you Nightwish, I know you were good kids and came to visit last year).
OK - I think that's a long enough intro, yea? Keep checking in for updates on what projects I have in the line, new interviews I've posted and what theme costume party I'm working on this month.
Ta ta for now!
God Bless
Suz xox